DUI Driver Safety Group(s)
In-Person & Virtual groups now offered!
**Every person referred from the appropriate agency to which handles their DUI will receive an assessment to find which level of care is appropriate to meet their needs and requirements.**

Driver Safety Virtual Group
Ron Cipriano & Associates Counseling, LLC is now offering a VIRTUAL option for DUI Driver Safety Groups for Level I and Level II
Driver Safety Level I
Driver Level Safety Level I consists
of the following requirements:
- Eight (8) group sessions
- Two (2) individual sessions
- One (1) UA (urine analysis)

Driver Saftey Level II
Driver Level Safety Level II consists
of the following requirements:
- Twelve (12) group sessions
- Three (3) individual sessions
- Two (2) UA (urine analysis)
Driver Safety Level III
Driver Level Safety Level III consists
of the following requirements:
- Minimum of twenty (20) group sessions
- One (1) weekly individual session
- Minimum of two (2) UAs (urine analysis)
- Six (6) months of continued care
*one group weekly & individual sessions
Driver Safety Level III is at an IOP level of care.
Please refer to our Intensive Outpatient Program
page to learn more.